As you know, the point of this whole blog is to advertise not only what goes on in my shop, but also what's going on in many of the interesting, quirky and beautiful shops of yours. Lately I've been thinking about how to bring my blog to the next level (whatever level that is) and I need some feedback from you, my loyal readers.
Question 1 - How do you feel about advertising? We're not talking Google AdSense, I don't necessarily like having ads tailored to what I'm writing at the time as I find it a little 1984-ish, but what about Project Wonderful? Something that allows more Etsy shops to be discovered? Love the idea but not on my blog? Let me know.
This next part is more of a comment than a question, but is there anything else you'd like to see in my blog posts? More chances for giveaways? Should I write more about CPSIA legislation issues? Should I write about my shop every so often about process and new items? What do you want as readers?
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. By next Monday at 9a I'll pick a comment and send that person a gift certificate towards my shop for participating.
I look forward to reading your comments!