Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Craft Show

Last weekend I had a chance to participate in a local craft show at a dance studio. This is my first real time craft show where the general public could look at my work upclose. Pretty cool!

Needless to say, I did better than I ever thought possible. I know I've been slow on the uptake to update my Etsy site (something I'm going to work on this week now that I'm on break) but I was working up a storm in prep for this show and my work paid off. I sold something like 4-5 scarflettes, a children's scarf, 2 adult scarves, and 2 ceramic pieces. Yay!

I took a photo for posterity at the beginning of the show. I should've taken an after.


Victoria said...

Cool! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your experience - I'm starting to prepare for my first craft show too... at a bar!! I'm a little nervous, so I'm always reassured to read about other peoples' successes.

Angie said...

A bar? Sweet! All you need is a drink to soothe your nerves. :)

Anonymous said...

There's only one problem with your face: people can see it.

Anonymous said...

You're an assuming, self-serving, pseudo-intellectual anti-American BITCH.

Someone explicitly states in a post that they are NOT an SNL fan and you promptly reply saying, "You of all SNL people should know this" just because that person mentioned to you one time that they liked Gilda Radner. Well if you're so smart, YOU of all people should know that Gilda Radner does NOT make up the totality of SNL! And then you subsequently had no idea why that person had any strong feelings against you and why.

Then on that stupid gyro club message board, you went on many an anti-American rant, wishing you could be somewhere who "gets it." Well, why don't you move to Stratford, Ontario and be closer to your beloved Loreena and the hell out of the greatest country in the world, which you do NOT deserve to live in.

Loreena's Crepey Anus said...

Plenty of socialist, tree-hugging eco-maniacs in Canada...

Anonymous said...

You deserve to be draped over the knee of the world's strongest man and relentlessly spanked on your fat ass full force.

Anonymous said...