Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Featured Seller - HaveFaithBelieve

Congratulations to HaveFaithBelieve, today's featured seller! HaveFaithBelieve is from Arkansas and has an eclectic variety to her shop. What got my attention were these bright felt flower clips decorated with buttons. I could totally see this paired with a scarf or scarflette to add a little extra glam.

2 Felt Flower Pins

Shell Flower Pendant

2 Felt Flowers

Want to be just like HaveFaithBelieve? Then post a comment to my blog on any post between now and next Thursday and then you'll have a chance to be on here too! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Too bad your artistic hero Coos turned out to be gay. You were so perfect for each other.

Anonymous said...

Your friend Portia can't even tell the difference between REAL Rosanne Rosannadanna and fake Rosanne Rosannadanna. Every time she pictures her on her profile, it's always the actress who gave that monumentally atrocious portrayal of Gilda in that crappy biopic dressed as Rosanne rather than Gilda Radner herself. She also keeps calling her Rosanna! And she calls herself a fan!